Light Paintings: The Garage Shelf

February 05, 2017  •  1 Comment

Garage ShelfGarage Shelf

Widowed a few years ago, Clare was ready to move from her two-story colonial into condo living.  She knew she needed to let go of some items, including the vintage tools her late husband John had collected.  Using some of the tools she gave me, I added a few items from my own set of props to create the composition in this light painting.

Now Clare will have prints made of this photo to share with her son and daughter.  And most importantly, she can let go of the collection, passing them on to a friend who will appreciate them as much as John did.

Consider a light painting for your mementos.  Get your Grandmother's teapot out of the box it's stored in, or pull out from the closet those Matchbox cars and Pez dispensers from childhood.  I'll create a composition with your items to create a light painting you'll love.

(Although this story is fictional, I offer it as an example of what can be done with objects that are near and dear to your heart.  Most of the items belonged to my late husband, Jim, and I use the push drill, the needle-nosed pliers, the wire cutters, and the Craftsman screwdriver on a regular basis for my framing.)  

Click photo to enlarge and/or to purchase.




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